

Small Businesses Accountant

Future-Proof Your Finances With a Small Business Accountant

As a small business owner, do worries about your business’s financial future keep you up at night? You need the peace of mind a small business accountant offers. They’re not just number crunchers; they’re financial foresight specialists who can help your business thrive in any economic weather.  Equip your business with an accountant today to […]

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Bookkeeping for Small Businesses

What Is Bookkeeping for Small Businesses?

Running a small business comes with its fair share of challenges, but understanding your finances shouldn’t be one of them!  Bookkeeping isn’t just about keeping records; it’s about playing by the rules, especially those set out by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). At its core, bookkeeping is the process of recording all a business’s financial

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Examining BAS Statement Examples

Examining BAS Statement Examples To Help You Lodge Your BAS

All Australian business owners, take note: A Business Activity Statement (BAS) isn’t just paperwork; it guarantees crucial compliance with Australian tax laws!  Lodging a BAS ensures your business is paying the correct amount of tax to prevent legal issues, build a reputation for reliability, and secure financial benefits through appropriate deductions and credits.  How can

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Bookkeeping Software - Your Business Lifeline

Bookkeeping Software: Your Business’s Lifeline

Running a business is like putting on a stage show; bookkeeping software is the backstage crew, silently orchestrating your financial performance to perfection. How? Proper bookkeeping keeps you playing by the rules of Australian tax laws and gives you the clarity needed for smart decision-making. Bookkeeping software helps you achieve all this.  Gone are the

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What Does an Accountant Do?

Accounting is a vital profession that forms the backbone of the business world.  What is an accountant?  A professional who prepares, manages, and analyses financial records and reports. They also ensure compliance with financial laws and regulations.  Accountants are more than number crunchers; they’re financial storytellers, interpreting financial data to guide businesses toward success. 

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How To Do a BAS Statement in 11 Steps – A Complete Guide

As of June 2023, Australia is home to nearly 2.6 million actively trading businesses. A significant number of those businesses are subject to Business Activity Statement reporting. Think about it: that’s millions of “scorecards” the ATO needs to track to keep the game fair and square. Why? To make sure everyone contributes their fair share

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